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Thai Government approved 36 smart cities in 25 provinces


Thailand government announced 36 cities in 25 provinces as smart cities in July 2023, which was expected to attract more than US$1.7 billion in investment from both of private sector & Government sector. While they expected to promote more than 15 cities by this year.

"Smart city" is a technologically modern urban area under the concept of urban livelihood, modern cities, urban citizens have a good quality of life with sustainable happiness. The concept of smart cities involves in 7 smarts i.e., (1) Environment (2) Energy (3) Mobility (4) Economy (5) Living (6) People, and (7) Governance.

Due to the government has supported the potential city development to be a smart city and aims to develop 15 smart cities every year. 30 cities have been already announced as smart city in 2021-2022. Then 6 additional cities have been announced in 2023. As a result, Thailand has 36 cities certified as smart cities in 25 provinces.

The government has been developing Smart City policies according to the 5 pillars as follows:

1. Selecting potential cities to develop as pilot smart cities

2. Reforming laws related to smart city development

3. Creating management mechanisms for driving smart city development into practice

4. Driving smart cities by research, development, and innovation

5. Promoting data collection


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