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COP27: Thailand aims to accelerate Carbon Neutrality by 2050 & Net-Zero GHG emission by 2065


Updated: Aug 2, 2023

Thailand will participate in the 27th session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) of the Parties (COP 27) to be held during November 3-18, 2022, in Sharm el-Sheikh, South Sinai, Arab Republic of Egypt, and announce its goal, as one of the parties ratified to the Paris Agreement that aims to limit global warming to well below 1.5-2 degrees Celsius by 2100.

Thailand will submit the revised the Long-Term Low GHG Emissions Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to UNFCCC, of which detail is as follows:

1. The Revisions of LT-LEDS e.g.,

  • To peak its greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 /5 years earlier from 2030 (# as target set up in previous commitment)

  • To achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050 / 15 years earlier from 2065 (#)

  • To achieve Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission by 2065 / 35 years earlier from 2100 (#) with condition of Thailand would receive assistance and support, especially transfer advanced technology in adaptation and mitigation.

2. The NDC will be revised and updated to 2nd edition to be with complied with the revised LT-LEDS, e.g.,

  • To reduce 30-40 percent (%) GHG emission from the level predicted as business-as-usual (BAU) by 2030 /increasing from 20-25%*

Remark: *According to COP26 on November 1, 2021, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha stated that as a NDC target of 20-25% by 2030, Thailand aims to increase the target to 40% by 2030 with international support.


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