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Ministry of Industry moves for enforcement of Industrial Waste Management

Updated: Aug 16, 2023

Ministry of Industry announced ‘the notification of Ministry of Industry Regarding Disposal on Waste and Unusable Materials B.E. 2566 (2023)’ on May 31st and would introduce Polluter Pays Principle (PPP), in which waste generator shall be responsible for its’ waste from waste generating point to final disposal.

In addition, Waste Generator and Waste Processor shall report information as for raw materials, product, waste and unusable materials management to Department of Industrial Works via the iSingle Form system, where Waste Generator shall submit an annual report for waste management (of previous year) by April 1st of each year, while the Waste Processor (Factory No. 101, 105 and 106) shall submit a monthly report (of the previous month) by the 15th of each month.

New rules & regulations stipulated by the Notification would be enforced on and after November 1st, 2023, except for clauses no. 13 & 22, which were enforced on June 1st. Therefore, Waste Generator is requested to submit the 1st report for the year of 2022 by June 30th, 2023, and Waste Processor shall submit the 1st report by July 15th, 2023. Any parties violate the regulation would be fined up to 20,000 baht.


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